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Two Cosmetic Netflix Shows To Stream

Whether you’re looking to drop your jaw or tear up a little we’ve got you covered. Netflix has not failed us and we’ve stumbled across 2 great finds that fall into our favourite topics: beauty and cosmetics.

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Launched in 2019 this gem is not to be overlooked. Makeup Mayhem will leave you squirming in your seat and wondering “where DID my cosmetics really come from?” This episode in particular may cause you to never shop an unknown retailer again.  Buying your skincare from an unknown online store? Gifting a knock-off product? Never again after watching this under-cover look at beauty.

Netflix Broken Cosmetics Cover

In this series: RF Microneedling, microdermabrasion, Permanent Makeup, injectables, scar revision, acne scarring, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, and more!

In this new 2020 series skin and beauty expert Nurse Jamie and plastic surgeon Dr. Sheila Nazarian use the latest procedures to bring out their clients’ best selves. Skin Decision features a number of patients with traumatic stories. With the help of Dr. Nazarian and Nurse Jamie they’re able to transform their clients with a mix of both surgical and non-surgical options.

Skin Decision has 2 to 3 patients per episode, each with their own story. From traumatic violence, to lifestyle choices each of these patients come with their own set of struggles not uncommon to may of us.

You’ll hear about gunshot wounds and surgical scars, smoking and UV skin damage and childbirth, you’ll hear patient stories about how they’re rising above their trauma and past, and embracing their best future selves.

Have you ever wanted to be on your own reality TV show? Well now you can (sort of). IVONNE invites clients on camera to record their own personal experiences with skincare, and cosmetic tattoo. You’ll get featured on our IGTV and get hundreds or thousands of views!

You can get started by booking your own appointment or consultation online today!